Case study: New manager training program audit for local health authorities


A collaborative of western Canadian provincial health authorities realized a need for a consistent province-wide new manager training program. Each health authority used different courses and programs, resulting in an overlap of courses with similar content. Training was also inconsistent; some new managers received very thorough training while other managers received much less. Best practices, training materials and training challenges were not being shared.

Limestone Learning was tasked with conducting a detailed analysis/evaluation for a new manager training program and creating a comprehensive learning plan for the program design. Key program topics included communication skills, building and managing teams, developing people, championing and orchestrating change, customer and service commitment, fostering development in others, systems/strategic thinking, leading change, coaching and mentoring, building partnerships and networks, decision making, ethical leadership and a culture of safety and respect in the workplace, to name a few.


Limestone gathered information from interviews with key personnel, analyzed learner feedback from past courses, and reviewed the content and course/program materials for over 200 instructor-led courses, e-learning modules and presentations used province-wide. An extensive recommendations report laid out the framework for future development and learning evaluation and alignment to core program competencies.


The project met the client’s tight timeline and the project came in on budget. The client was extremely happy with the report recommendations and said,

“Awesome – a home run! First impressions are it’s really well written and Limestone has a good grasp of what is needed for being a leader in our environment. They did a tremendous job!”

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