Case study: Global learning centre design with integrated customized LCMS and kick-off elearning course


A major hospitality group was challenged to find a solution that could provide consistent, relevant training to all employees that was also accessible 24/7 for their global workforce.  They were also looking to reduce training costs while at the same time find ways to provide corporate and hotel-specific training that was engaging, interactive and relevant. They had no existing central location easily accessible to employees that could house corporate training resources and courses or support development of regional training.


Limestone’s managing partners worked collaboratively with the client to identify their specific business and learning needs and understand their unique situation. Analysis of the findings led to a solution consisting of a global learning portal, Learning Content Management System and flagship course.

  • The global learning portal website offers employees worldwide a highly interactive one-stop access point for learning. It provides access to external training courses, company video and audio presentations, interesting learning links, training bulletins, important company documents related to learning and provides access to courses hosted in the LCMS.

  • The Learning Content Management System (LCMS) provides a hosting point for courses created at every level of the organization and allows training developers to access learning content and create courses. Customizations to the LCMS produce specialized reports and integrate with the group’s asset management system.

  • An initial e-learning course was created from existing face-to-face course materials. As this was the first e-learning course to be introduced to the organization, the experience was required to be positive, engaging, and meaningful to the audience.


The learning portal was successfully piloted and launched to the organization mid-year while the LCMS and e-learning course were launched early the following year. Feedback from the organization’s employees has been very positive. The global learning portal has become the center for corporate learning information and resources. The corporate training center and individual hotels are now authoring their own courses in the LCMS. The client has been extremely satisfied with the results.

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