More eLearning Resources!

Many eLearning professionals talk about having “reader’s guilt.” You know—that feeling that you should be reading more in order to keep up with industry trends and business developments. We’re so busy doing our actual work that carving out that oh-so-important self-development time is a big challenge. And when we do find the time to read, where do we start? There’s so much out there. Wouldn’t it be helpful if someone could sort the wheat from the chaff for you and line you up with some effective reading?

Christopher Pappas to the rescue! The founder of the eLearning Industry network has curated a list of ten popular eLearning articles. Check it out:

  1. 8 Tips To Reduce Corporate Learners Stress  

  2. 7 Tips To Reduce Cognitive Overload In eLearning

  3. Developing eLearning Characters: A Quick Guide For eLearning Professionals

  4. 4 Storytelling Strategies To Capture Learners’ Attention

  5. Using The Waterfall Model In Instructional Design: A Guide For eLearning Professionals

  6. Augmented Learning: An Argument For Its Use

  7. Employee Engagement: A 5-Step Guide For What Could Be Your Organization’s Biggest Challenge

  8. Gamification Beyond Learning: The Case Of Click

  9. How To Overcome 5 Common Challenges That Every eLearning Freelancer Faces

  10. 6 Tips For Pricing eLearning Services: A Practical Guide For eLearning Professionals

Know of some more great eLearning reading? Perhaps you have your own list of resources. Drop us a line and let us know what you’re reading. Keep that reader’s guilt in check!