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Eight storytelling techniques to engage your learners

Sculpture, read, storytellers” by Julia Schwab is licensed by Pixabay.

I was recently searching online for a topic related to learning and development (L&D) and came across an excellent blog post by Sparkol on classic storytelling techniques for creating engaging presentations. I thought it was particularly relevant not just for live presentations but when designing learning solutions. The article explains eight different types, how they can best be used and links to examples on how the technique is used.

I’ve been in the L&D industry for many years and was pleasantly surprised (and pleased) that there were so many different techniques offered in the post – a few I hadn’t heard of before. As L&D professionals we know just how important storytelling is in engaging our learners. Telling stories is one of the most powerful ways of inspiring, teaching, influencing and capturing our learners’ attention. So I encourage you to read the blog post and finds ways to incorporate some of these storytelling techniques into your own learning solutions. I know I plan to.

Check out the post here: